Shrek's Adventure is a magical family-friendly attraction based on the Shrek movies that include interactive fairy tale shows and a 4D movie-ride. Inspired by the hit DreamWorks Shrek films, the one-of-a-kind indoor “walk-and-ride” tourist attraction allows children to meet the characters of the movies, like Fiona, Donkey, and Shrek himself face-to-face. Shrek's Adventure features ten fun-filled shows with sets, props, and other well-known items from the films, an exhilarating 4D DreamWorks animation ride with special effects, and an interactive tour where children can help Shrek return to his beloved Swamp.

Riverside Building, County Hall, Westminster Bridge Rd, Lambeth, London SE1 7PB, United Kingdom, Phone: +44-33-33-21-20-01

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