Edison and Ford Winter Estates
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Review & FAQ:

  • What is the Edison & Ford Winter Estates?
    • For a break from beach activities, you can spend a day admiring the historic homes, gardens, and museums of the Edison & Ford Winter Estates in Fort Myers. The beautiful old winter holiday estates of two of America’s most celebrated geniuses are surrounded by 20 acres of beautiful botanical gardens and offer day-trippers an intriguing peep into the ground-breaking inventions of Edison and Ford.
  • What can visitors explore at the Edison & Ford Winter Estates?
    • Besides touring the substantial Edison Historic Homes and gardens and the Ford Winter Estate, you can also tour the fascinating Edison Botanic Research Laboratory and the Museum, which features a 1916 Model T Ford.
  • What interactive experiences are available at the Edison & Ford Winter Estates?
    • Young visitors (and adults) can get creative in the Spark!Lab.

Edison and Ford Winter Homes, 2350 McGregor Blvd, Fort Myers, FL 33901, Phone: 239-334-7419

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐