The Met Cloisters
© Courtesy of ManuelHurtado -

Review & FAQ:

The Met Cloisters are a division of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, located in northern Manhattan in Fort Tryon Park. It is a long subway ride from downtown Manhattan, but well worth the trip. Cloisters and chapels from medieval Europe form the architecture of this stunning gallery of medieval European art.

The garden is peaceful, and it is worth a trip on its own, particularly in spring when it is full of blossoms and especially with the beautiful vista over the Hudson River. Of special note are the priceless 15th century Unicorn Tapestries; the museum also holds a wide collection of medieval art and religious artifacts. The museum was a pet project of John D. Rockefeller Jr., and it opened in 1938.

99 Margaret Corbin Drive, Fort Tryon Park, New York, NY 10040, Phone: 212-923-3700

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐