
The magical world of animation comes to life every June in Annecy. Host to the International Animation Film Festival, the town welcomes travelers from near and far for this themed annual event featuring an awards competition, screenings, an industry conference as well as exhibitions and an open-air screening in Le Pâquier, with the lake and the mountains as a beautiful backdrop. Started in 1960, the festival attracts some of the most talented people in animation from companies such as Pixar, Dreamworks, Disney, as well as up and coming creators. Themes vary each year and one of the most recent ones focused on Japanese animation with special exhibitions, talks and other activities planned around it. Other highlights include meet and greets, film concerts, workshops, premieres of animation in the form of shorts films, features, advertising and so much more.

Annecy, France, Phone: +33-4-50-10-09-00

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