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Quandary Peak is the highest summit in the Tenmile Range of the Rocky Mountains. The mountain is located within the White River National Forest to the south of Breckenridge and the summit can be accessed by a trailhead just north of Hoosier Pass. The peak is one of the more popular fourteeners to climb in Colorado because it is relatively easy. In addition to hiking, the trail is a popular destination among backcountry snowboarders and skiers. In addition to the traditional route, there are several other advanced mountaineering routes up the other sides of the peak. One of the most well-known is called Cristo Couloir. This ascent route may be attempted by very experienced mountaineers and the descent is often done on skis.
Hwy 82, Hoosier Pass Area, Mount Quandary, Breckenridge, CO 80424
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐