Winterbourne Botanic Garden is a magnificent botanic garden that belongs to the University of Birmingham, in Birmingham, England. The garden is situated adjacent to the Edgbaston Pool, a Site of Special Scientific Interest. This seven-acre oasis is just minutes from the heart of the city and is home to more than 6000 different kinds of plant species. Winterbourne is among the finest surviving examples of Edwardian Arts and Crafts suburban villa gardens in Birmingham. It was lovingly and masterfully created by homeowners, John and Margaret Nettlefold, following the principals outlined in the Gertrude Jekyll books for inspiration and guide. Today visitors can tour the grounds and enjoy the breathtaking views with a true sense of tranquility.

Winterbourne Botanic Garden, 58 Edgbaston Park Road, Birmingham B15 2RT, United Kingdom, Phone: +44-12-14-14-30-03