The Birmingham Botanical Gardens is a large botanical garden with four stunning glasshouses that showcase flora ranging from arid desert to tropical rainforest in Birmingham, England. On top of providing some of the United Kingdom’s most beautiful gardens, the complex is also equipped with a tearoom, garden gift shop, and playground. The gardens boast over 7,000 different kinds of plants, including The British National Bonsai Collection. The gardens also feature a 250-year-old Juniperus Chinensis specimen named the “Omiya Tree,” presented in an informal upright style. Visitors will also see a modest collection of beautiful, exotic birds from all over the world, such as quaker parakeets, azure-winged magpies, Himalayan monals, and white-cheeked turaco.

The Birmingham Botanical Gardens, Westbourne Road, Birmingham B15 3TR, United Kingdom, Phone: +44-12-14-54-18-60