Manuka State Wayside Park

Review & FAQ:

Manuka State Wayside Park is a 13.4-acre park with an arboretum that contains 48 species of native Hawaiian plants and more than 130 species of other exotic plants and flowers.

Located 19 miles west of Na'alehu, on the Hawaii Belt Road, the park is named after the ancient land division up the slopes of the Mauna Loa volcano.

The eight-acre arboretum was established in the mid-19th century and is surrounded by the 25,550-acre Manuka Forest Reserve, which is home to wet montane forests, mesic, montane kipuka forests, subalpine shrublands and forests, lowland dry forests, and lowland mesic forests.

Services at the park include camping in an open shelter, restrooms, trash cans, but no drinking water is available.

Manuka State Wayside Park , Ocean View, HI 96737

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐