Chinchon is a picturesque town located southeast of the city of Madrid, known throughout Europe of its gorgeous Medieval-era Plaza Mayor, which is encircled by residences with lovely wooden balconies and has been the filming site for major motion pictures starring actors like John Wayne and Rita Hayworth. Visitors can dine at a wide variety of delicious local restaurants on the plaza, serving up delicacies like suckling pig, wood-fired lamb with chorizo, and traditional potaje de vigilia soup. The city's unique Torre del Reloj is known as a "tower without a church and a church without a tower," preserved as the only remains of the 14th-century Nuestra Señora de Gracia Church. The Museo Etnológico La Posada showcases exhibits of traditional agricultural equipment, while the Castille de los Condes preserves the ruins of a 15th-century castle. Each February, the square hosts a lavish Medieval Market event, showcasing parades, live performances, and arts and crafts vendors. Map