Review & Frequenly Asked Questions:

Since 1810, Point Judith Lighthouse has been remodeled and rebuilt because it serves as an important beacon for ships and boats to travel the waters west of Narragansett and the north part of the Block Island Sound safely. This particular waterway has a great deal of traffic and serves all the fishing vessels, tourist boats, and private vessels to navigate the often-foggy conditions surrounding the area. The tower itself is made of solid granite and is a beautiful sight from the sea. Its light can be seen for up to 18 miles. Visitors can take a tour of the lighthouse during normal business hours. People learn about its history and all the good a simple lighthouse does for the area.

1460 Ocean Rd, Narragansett, RI 02882, Phone: 401-789-0444

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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