Review & FAQ:

  • Q: What is the Granary Burying Ground?
  • Q: How did the Granary Burying Ground get its name?
    • A: The cemetery received its current name in 1737 when a small granary was moved onto the grounds.
  • Q: Why were the gravestones rearranged?
    • A: Originally, the gravestones were placed haphazardly, but in the 19th century, with the invention of the modern lawnmower, people called for their rearrangement into straighter rows.
  • Q: Who are some notable figures buried at the Granary Burying Ground?
    • A: The cemetery is the final resting place of:
      • Samuel Adams
      • John Hancock
      • Robert Treat Paine (all signers of the Declaration of Independence)
  • Q: What monuments are found in the cemetery?
    • A: Key monuments include:
      • A 25-foot-tall obelisk commemorating the tomb of Benjamin Franklin’s parents
      • The graves of five victims of the Boston Massacre
  • Q: What modern additions have been made to the cemetery?
    • A: Over the years, the cemetery has undergone various landscaping changes, including the addition of visitor pathways and an interactive map to guide those exploring the historic stops along the Freedom Trail.

117 Tremont Street, Boston, MA 02108, 617-635-4505

Granary Burying Ground
© Courtesy of gburba -

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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