The Forget-Me-Not Factory is a beloved established on Main Street that is fondly described by its owners to be a place where “fairy dust and bubbles meet to create shopping magic”. This is by no means far from the truth as the Forget-Me-Not Factory is in one of the oldest, and the largest, buildings in the city’s old town.

Each of the store’s three levels is packed full of items ranging from costumes, jewelry, dragon replicas, toys, and more. Looking for a fortune-telling arcade game? At Forget-Me-Not Factory you can probably find one! Filled with peculiarities, nostalgia-triggering finds, and more, a trip to this factory of whimsy is one that you won’t soon forget.

The Forget-Me-Not Factory, 8044 Main Street, Ellicott City, Maryland 21043, Phone: 410-465-7355