The manchineel, or beach apple, is a flowering tree found throughout Florida, the Caribbean, the Bahamas, Mexico, and parts of Central and South America. The tree mainly grows in brackish waters of mangroves and swamps along the coast.
What is the manchineel tree?
The manchineel tree is a coastal tree that plays a crucial role in preventing erosion by stabilizing sand with its roots and acting as a natural windbreak.
Why should people avoid the manchineel tree?
The manchineel tree is considered one of the most poisonous trees in the world. Its sap is highly toxic and can seep from the stem, branches, leaves, and fruits.
Can the fruit of the manchineel tree be eaten?
No, although the tree bears apple-like fruits, they are extremely toxic and must not be consumed.
The tree gets its name from the Spanish phrase manzanilla de la muerte, meaning “little apple of death”.
Is there a historical connection between the manchineel tree and Juan Ponce de León?
According to legend, the explorer Juan Ponce de León was fatally wounded in 1521 on his second trip to Florida by an arrow that had been dipped in the tree's poisonous sap. He died shortly afterward.
The Manchineel Tree
© Stephen Orsillo
How tall can manchineel trees grow?
What do manchineel trees look like?
The trees have red-grey bark, shiny green leaves that measure 2 to 4 inches, and bear small green flowers.
They produce a fruit that closely resembles a small green apple.
What part of the manchineel tree is the most toxic?
The most toxic part of the tree is its milky white sap, or latex, which is found in every part of the tree.
Is it dangerous to stand near a manchineel tree?
Yes, standing close to a manchineel tree can be dangerous, as sap may drip from the leaves or branches, potentially causing harm.
What happens if someone touches or eats part of a manchineel tree?
Contact with the tree’s sap, bark, or fruit can cause severe burning, itching, and allergic reactions, including:
- Swelling of the throat, eyes, and mouth
- Blistering skin from even a small drop of sap
- Ocular injuries from exposure to smoke when the tree is burned
What do people who have mistakenly eaten the fruit describe?
Those who have survived eating the fruit describe it as pleasantly sweet at first, followed by a peppery, burning sensation and a tightening of the throat.
Manchineel Tree Toxicity
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What toxins are found in the manchineel tree?
Scientists are unclear on the exact composition of the tree’s toxins, but it is known to contain phorbol, a highly water-soluble skin irritant.
Why is rain especially dangerous near a manchineel tree?
Because phorbol is highly water-soluble, rain can dissolve the toxic components and spread them to anything nearby, increasing the risk of exposure.
Can manchineel sap damage vehicles?
Yes, even cars parked under the tree are at risk, as the toxic sap can cause corrosion.
How are manchineel trees identified and marked?
In many parts of the world, warning signs are used to identify manchineel trees.
Some trees are marked with a red X or a red band, while others have specific signage posted.
On the island of Bonaire, the trees are unmarked, so visitors must remain vigilant.
Is manchineel wood ever used despite its toxicity?
Yes, in the Caribbean, manchineel wood is used for timber. The sap is removed by drying cut branches in the sun.
Are there any medicinal uses for the manchineel tree?
It is reported that gum from the tree bark has been used to treat edema, a condition involving abnormal fluid retention under the skin.
Dried fruits of the tree have also been used as a diuretic.
Is the manchineel tree toxic to animals?
The tree is toxic to most animals, just as it is to humans. However, one species, the black spine iguana, is known to live among its branches and even eat its fruit.
Manchineel Tree History
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Where do most stories about encounters with the manchineel come from?
Most stories of encounters with the manchineel come from literature and novels, often in tales of exploration, pirates, shipwrecks, and deserted islands, where the tree is the only apparent source of fruit.
How has the manchineel been depicted in literature and the arts?
The tree’s toxic effects have made it a dramatic element in opera, novels, and dramas.
In the 1865 German opera L’Africaine, the heroine commits suicide by lying under a manchineel tree and inhaling its fumes.
How was the manchineel tree used in warfare?
Both the Calusa people of southwest Florida and the Caribs used the toxic sap of the manchineel tree in warfare.
The Caribs reportedly used the leaves to poison enemy water supplies.
Is the manchineel tree endangered?
Yes, the manchineel tree is currently on the endangered species list in Florida.
Where can visitors find manchineel trees in Florida?
The tree is most commonly found in the coastal mangrove forests of Flamingo in Everglades National Park.
It can also be found in clusters on smaller key islands, including Key Largo and Elliot Key.
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