Learn about World War II history at the Naval Air Station Wildwood Aviation Museum
© Naval Air Station Wildwood Aviation Museum

Review & FAQ:

The Naval Air Station Wildwood Aviation Museum is a non-profit organization that stands inside Hangar #1, which houses aircrafts, engines, special exhibits, and thrilling educational displays. It also has a coast guard exhibit that commemorates the defenders of the American Coast.

Families, school groups and organizations get to experience what life was like in the 1940s by learning about World War II history and participating in exciting and interactive activities and lessons. Guests can learn about the science of flight through interactive displays, and even sit in the cockpit of select airplanes and climb an air traffic control tower. Adults and children alike will enjoy the flight simulator games where you can take off, fly, and land a modern Coast Guard aircraft.

Address: 500 Forrestal Road, Cape May Airport, NJ 08242, Phone: 609-886-8787

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐