Where is Dinosaur, CO located?
- Dinosaur, CO is a small town in Moffat County that was initially known as Baxter Springs.
Why was the town renamed Dinosaur?
- The town was renamed Dinosaur due to its main attraction, the Dinosaur National Monument.
What attractions can visitors explore in and around Dinosaur?
- Visitors can explore the Harpers Corner Trail, Harpers Corner Scenic Drive, Jones Hole Trail, Gates of Lodore Trail, and Yampa Bench Road.
Best Time to Visit
Places to Stay
Tips for Visiting
Spring (March-May) – Mild temperatures and blooming desert flowers, perfect for exploring.
Blue Mountain Inn & Suites – A comfortable and well-rated stay in nearby Rangely.
Visit Dinosaur National Monument – See real dinosaur fossils embedded in rock.
Summer (June-August) – Warm and sunny, great for hiking and rafting.
Elk Run Inn – A cozy and rustic lodging option in Craig, a short drive away.
Explore the Quarry Exhibit Hall – Witness incredible fossil displays up close.
Fall (September-November) – Cooler weather and stunning autumn scenery.
Budget Host Rangely – An affordable stay with easy access to the monument.
Drive the Harpers Corner Scenic Road – Enjoy breathtaking canyon views and overlooks.
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