Go wine tasting in Livermore Valley Wine Country
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About an hour’s drive from San Francisco, Livermore Valley is part of the Tri-Valley region of East Bay, secluded and verdant, with hills covered in vines divided between 60 first-class wineries. Wine making has a long history here. Robert Livermore planted the first vine on these hills in 1840, and was soon followed by James Concannon and C. H. Wente in 1880. In fact, 80% of all California chardonnay originally comes from Livermore Valley.

With so much history and so many vineyards to visit and wines to taste, you need a good tour guide to show you around so you do not miss any of the greats like Steven Kent Winery and their cabernet sauvignon. Stroll through the charming town of Livermore, where you will be enchanted by stately old homes and squares and plied with more great wine. More about the Livermore Valley Wine Country

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