Review & FAQ:
Spruce Forest Artisan Village is a terrific place to stop the car, stretch your legs, and learn about traditional crafts from seasoned artists seeking to preserve the artistic heritage of the Allegheny region.
The artisan village is set among historic buildings, including an 1838 one-room school house, a church, and a working mill.
There are six permanent artists settled in the village along with many visiting artists at any one time.
The permanent artists include a weaver, a potter, a metalsmith, a metal sculptor, a bird sculptor, and a wood turner.
Their cabins are open and have items for sale.
The artisans chat happily with visitors and are eager to explain the details of their craft.
Workshops are held for the public on diverse topics such as weaving, ring making, abstract acrylic painting, quilting, pottery, and drawing with colored pencils.
177 Casselman Road, Grantsville, MD 21536, Phone: 301-895-3332
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐