• Question: Where is Marble Canyon located?
  • Answer: Marble Canyon is a tiny populated place in Coconino County on US Route 89A, about 12 miles southwest of Page.
  • Question: What historical significance does Lee’s Ferry near Marble Canyon hold?
  • Answer: Lee’s Ferry, a short distance from Marble Canyon, was once one of the few places where travelers could cross the Colorado River and is now a popular tourist spot.
  • Question: Why is Marble Canyon named as such?
  • Answer: Marble Canyon got its name for its colorful purple rocks and cliffs.
  • Question: What makes Marble Canyon a great weekend destination?
  • Answer: Marble Canyon is a beautiful weekend destination with its unique and colorful landscape.

1. Vermillion Cliffs Scenic Highway ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Vermillion Cliffs Scenic Highway
© Courtesy of SNEHIT - Fotolia.com

2. Carl Hayden Visitor Center at Glen Canyon Dam ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Carl Hayden Visitor Center at Glen Canyon Dam
© Courtesy of vadimgouida - Fotolia.com

3. Old Cliff Dwellers Lodge (Blanche Russell Rock House)

Old Cliff Dwellers Lodge (Blanche Russell Rock House)
© Old Cliff Dwellers Lodge (Blanche Russell Rock House)

4. Marble Canyon

Marble Canyon
© Courtesy of imageBROKER - Fotolia.com

5. Lees Ferry Anglers

Lees Ferry Anglers
© Courtesy of Ray Redstone - Fotolia.com

6. Kayak the Colorado

Kayak the Colorado
© Courtesy of vetal1983 - Fotolia.com

7. Cathedral Wash Trail

Cathedral Wash Trail
© Courtesy of jon manjeot - Fotolia.com

8. Kelly Outfitters at Lees Ferry

Kelly Outfitters at Lees Ferry
© Courtesy of Ray Redstone - Fotolia.com

9. Lee’s Ferry on the Fly

Lee’s Ferry on the Fly
© Courtesy of Colby - Fotolia.com

10. The Cliff Dwellers Restaurant

The Cliff Dwellers Restaurant
© The Cliff Dwellers Restaurant

11. Outdoors Unlimited Grand Canyon Rafting

Outdoors Unlimited Grand Canyon Rafting
© Courtesy of photolifepnw - Fotolia.com

12. Marble Canyon Lodge

Marble Canyon Lodge
© Marble Canyon Lodge

13. Lees Ferry Lodge Restaurant

Lees Ferry Lodge Restaurant
© Courtesy of lcrribeiro33@gmail - Fotolia.com

14. Coyote Buttes and the Wave

Coyote Buttes and the Wave
© jon manjeot/stock.adobe.com

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