Lubee Bat Conservancy
© Courtesy of susan flashman -

Review & FAQ:

A visit to the Lubee Bat Conservancy is the ideal way to cure bat phobias and lay to rest the many entirely unfounded bat myths and legends. The conservancy is at the forefront of conservation efforts to protect dwindling bat habitats and to save several species of bat from extinction.

The conservancy offers guided educational tours on weekdays – you need to request a tour online. If you happen to be in the area in October, you can visit the annual Florida Bat Festival, which takes place at the conservancy and offers a fun and educational day for the whole family as well as the chance to meet some of the giant fruit bats.

Lubee Bat Conservancy, 1309+ NW 192nd Ave, Gainesville, FL 32609, Phone: 352-485-1250

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐