Only twenty minutes from Highway 70 near the town of Moundsville, West Virginia, on a secluded hilltop, stands a glittery palace straight out of a Bollywood production. The Palace of Gold was originally designed as a home for the founder of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. It is open for tourists who can take a guided tour and learn about the history of the community. The intricate marble work, stained glass, crystal chandeliers and lot of gold make the palace a popular spot to visit. In contrast, just behind the palace is a relaxing lotus pond surrounded by lush gardens. The Palace is a part of the greater New Vrindaban community that includes a vegetarian restaurant, lodging and guest cabins, gift shops and much more. The Radha Vrindaban Chandra Temple located next to the palace is a traditional Vedic temple with golden altars and a 40-foot high stained glass roof.
3759 McCrearys Ridge Rd , Moundsville, WV 26041