National D-Day Memorial | Bedford, Virginia
© Wendy Hampe/

Review & FAQ:

The National D-Day Memorial in Bedford, Virginia is a monument to those who died during the significant World War II battle on June 6, 1944.

  • The 88-acre structure at the base of Virginia’s Blue Mountains includes a 44-foot tall arch embellished with the 12 flags of the Allied Forces, and the word “overlord,” the mission’s code name.
  • The arch is surrounded by a reflecting pool and exhibits representative of the battle’s history, from preparation to execution.
  • Bedford was home to 34 soldiers from the Virginia National Guard who fought in the D-Day battle.
  • Known as the Bedford Boys, 23 of them died during the campaign.
  • The memorial honors their memory through visits, tours, events and educational programs.

3 Overlord Circle, Bedford, VA 24523, Phone: 540-586-3329

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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