Appleseed Country Johnson's Orchard | Bedford, Virginia
© Johnson’s Orchard

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Appleseed Country Johnson's Orchard is a family operated farm at the base of Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountain and the Peaks of Otter, the hill where the original apple orchard was located. The 200-acre farm is home to the Peaks of Otter winery, an apple and fruit orchard, several hiking trails with views of the Virginia countryside and a picnic pavilion graced by a 15-foot tall statue of Johnny Appleseed. Johnson’s Orchard provides tours and sells their 25 varieties of wine at an on-site store. The farm is available for weddings, events, and overnight stays in the original homestead. Johnson’s Orchard is notorious as the site of the Beale Treasure, about $20 million worth of gold that was allegedly buried there by Thomas Jefferson Beale in the 1800’s. The treasure has yet to be found.

1218 Elmos Road Bedford, VA 24523, Phone: 540-586-3707

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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