Boyd’s Wind Grist Mill | Middletown, Rhode Island
© Boyd’s Wind Grist Mill

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Middletown Rhode Island is filled with interesting historic places and structures, including Boyd’s Wind Grist Mill which is one of the oldest surviving mills of its kind in the US. Boyd’s Mill dates back to 1810 and has 8 vanes and grinding stones made from local granite. After restoration in 1990, the historic structure was relocated to Paradise Valley Park and is well worth a visit for anyone who is interested in history. Back in the day, there were at least 20 similar mills which were used to grind locally produced wheat into flour to supply the community. Today, only two remain. The park is open year round and the mill is open on Sunday afternoons in summer.

Paradise Ave, Middletown, RI 02842

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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