John Dellenback Dunes Trail
© Courtesy of chiyacat -

Review & FAQ:

Located near Reedsport, Oregon, this trail provides miles of unique landscape for you and your family, including Rover, to enjoy hiking, playing, and picnicking all year round. The ancient forests of Oregon provide an amazing habitat for animals, insects, birds, and other critters that are specific to the region and are in full view for people to educate themselves on. The Siuslaw National Forest Service also has material both online and at their many offices located around the State Parks and towns for people to reference. The John Dellenback Dunes Trail runs from the Eel Creek Campground, going through the landscape and ending at the beach on the Pacific Ocean.

Oregon Coast Hwy Lakeside, OR 97449 near MM 222

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐