Grayling is a small city in Crawford County, Michigan. It was once surrounded by old growth forest of red and white pines, which was mostly logged out, except for a 9,762-acre grove in the Hartwick Pine State Park. Grayling Fish Hatchery is a non-profit educational facility that promotes wild trout fishing in the Au Sable River that runs through the city. Mason Tract is protected area that provides great fishing, hunting, and canoeing opportunities for the locals. Mason Tract Pathway is a 10.3-mile long network of trails that runs through Mason Tract, parallel to the west bank of the South Branch of Au Sable River. Hanson Hills was once a famous ski resort at the outskirts of Grayling, today offering sports programs for youth and adults

Hartwick Pines State Park

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Grayling Fish Hatchery

© Grayling Fish Hatchery