1879 Hooper Strait Lighthouse | Things to Do in St Michaels, Maryland
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1879 Hooper Strait Lighthouse in Maryland was built in 1879 to guide boats that passed through the Hooper Straight.

During the first 75 years, there was one keeper and one assistant. The lantern that lit up the water burned from sunset to the first sign of morning light. When the fog reduced visibility the keeper and his assistant used a fog bell that operated by a hand crank.

Then in 1934, an electric light and air whistle replaced the lantern and fog bell. Today, visitors who come to the 1879 Hooper Strait Lighthouse can visit the 1920s themed museum that includes the daily logbook from the first keeper.

213 N Talbot St, St Michaels, MD 21663, Phone: 410-745-2916

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