Fort Foote Park | Maryland State & National Parks
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Fort Foote was an American Civil War-era fort constructed in 1863 on top of Rozier's Bluff overlooking the Potomac River. It was built to add to the ring of fortifications around Washington, D.C. by guarding the Potomac River approach to the city. The fort was used from 1863 to 1878 when it was was abandoned, though it was used briefly during the First and Second World Wars.

Today a popular outdoor recreation area, Fort Foote Park still has two of the guns that protected Washington, together with the remains of the fort's earthworks. It is considered the region’s best preserved Civil War fort. The National Park Service has cleared paths around the fort ruins so visitors can explore the area and get the sense of the not-so-distant history of their nation’s capital.

8915 Fort Foote Rd, Fort Washington, MD, Phone: 301-763-4600

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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