Are you sure you want a tiny home? Do you know what is involved? How much stuff you will have to get rid of? These and so many questions need to be answered before you can even think of building your own unique tiny home that is adapted to your style. At Modern Tiny Living they offer that first step for free. About 15 minutes consultation with their engineer will tell you, and them, whether you should go ahead.
At Modern Tiny Living, they do not have models or pre-fabricated tiny homes. They do have basic concepts to help you decide which is the best setup for you. It could be the rough, value-conscious Base concept, the mobile Wonderer, for those who want to live off the grid, the Weekender, as an extra bedroom or studio in your backyard, or the Explorer, a truly mobile tiny home for those who want to sleep in a different location every month.
Columbus, OH, Phone: 614-259-7042