Hobbitat Spaces has a passion for small houses that are carefully designed to utilize modern technology that is wrapped in repurposed and reclaimed materials. They create spaces that inspire simple living and are energy efficient and healthy. They are as unique as each client and adapt to each client’s way of life. At Hobbitat Spaces, they create Hobs, small turn-key houses that range from 225 to 750 square feet in several different styles and layouts.

They all have everything a large house has – a full kitchen and bath, a bedroom on the main level, and a loft. If you like to customize your small house yourself, you can get Hobbitat’s ‘follies’, tiny house shells that range from 11 to 24 feet in length. They are made of single-board walls, a metal roof, exposed framing, reclaimed doors and windows, recycled wood floors, and basic wiring. You can also purchase plans for one of the several small or tiny houses Hobbitat has created.

Oakland, MD 21550, Phone: 301-387-6022