Olana State Historic Site
© Olana State Historic Site

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Olana State Historic Site is home to Olana, the family home of the 19th century American painter, landscape desiger and self-taught architect, Frederic Edwin Church.

Church bought the 126-acre property in 1860, and set about to transforming the hardscrabble land through farming, and the planting of thousands of trees.

Olana was built on a hill overlooking the Hudson Valley. The home combines the Victorian architecture of the time with Middle Eastern motifs inspired by Church’s travels.

Extraordinary brick work and stenciled motifs are found throughout.

The home displays the furnishings, paintings and sculpture that the Church’s acquired during their lives.

5720 State Route 9G, Hudson, NY 12534, Phone: 518-828-1872

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐