The Alpine Lake Motor Lodge provides guests with self-contained accommodations right in the center of Taupo for easy access to numerous local attractions. Always stay connected thanks to the free Wi-Fi in the rooms and public areas. The spacious rooms all have underfloor heating, air conditioning, comfortable chairs, irons, fridges, desks, hair dryers, phones, and satellite TVs with DVD players. All feature kitchen facilities so you can prepare your own meals if you wish. Most rooms also have truly relaxing spa baths. Accommodations can also feature walk-in private courtyards with furniture, spa baths featuring TV viewing windows, super king beds, hot tubs, separate showers, private BBQs, enough space for families, dining tables, and/or comfortable sofas. Depending on your chosen unit, it can accommodate up to six guests. Make use of the guest laundry facilities so you never run out of clean clothes. Guests will enjoy the air conditioning and the free parking. This includes secure parking for bikes and motorcycles as well as ski gear. Leave your vehicle on-site and take the five-minute walk to restaurants, shops, and lake activities. You can also take advantage of the guest laundry facilities and the guest barbeque area.

141 Heuheu Street, Taupo, New Zealand, Phone: +64-73-78-08-99