Grove Farm Museum | Kauai, Hawaii
© Courtesy of Daniele -

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Grove Farm Museum is a 100-acre homestead commemorating the legacy of Kauai’s sugar cane production. Located in the heart of Lihue, visitors to the farm will see the original plantation house, an owner’s cottage, an old office, a guest cottage, and plantation workers’ homes. This active farm is flush with gardens, farm animals, banana trees, and grazing pastures. Leisurely two-hour guided tours led by Kauai docents familiar with sugar plantation history are available by reservation. An onsite gift shop is open on tour days. This historic site is also available for weddings.

Grove Farm Museum, 4050 Nawiliwili Road, Lihue, HI, Phone: 808-245-3678

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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