Tara - A Country Inn - 1 hour 15 minutes from Pittsburgh
© Tara - A Country Inn

Review & FAQ:

A stay at Tara - A Country Inn will have guests not “giving a damn” about much of the outside world once they have enjoyed its charms.

Modeled after the Southern plantation home in Gone with the Wind, this inn offers guests the chance to stay in one of 27 themed rooms and enjoy the decadence of that time period.

All rooms feature modern amenities including gas fireplaces and specialty tubs. Breakfast for overnight guests can be served in-room continental style or as a hot, gourmet affair served in the dining room. Sundays find guests with the option of a full Sunday brunch buffet.

2844 Lake Rd, Clark, PA 16113, 800-782-2803

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐