Dahlonega Consolidated Gold Mine
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Located in Lumpkin County just east of Dahlonega, the Dahlonega Consolidated Gold Mine was a working gold mine during the Georgia gold rush in the late 1800s. The mine produced gold for about 30 years until the mine's lower levels became flooded with water and were abandoned for several decades. Today, the shaft is a popular tourist attraction, where visitors can learn about the gold mining industry, how gold is found and mined from the ground or panned from rivers, and where it goes after that.

The mine still contains gold, and a part of the upper level of the mine remains open for tourists, who can try their hand at panning for gold, along with exploring portions of the Glory Hole, which was renowned for once being the wealthiest acre of land in the world. Tours of the mine are available and are guided by friendly and knowledgeable guides who share the history of gold mining in the Dahlonega area and what was once the largest gold mining operation east of the Mississippi River.

185 Consolidated Gold Mine Rd, Dahlonega, GA 30533, Phone: 706-864-8473

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