Mingan Monoliths
© Courtesy of Pierrette Guertin - Fotolia.com

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Located in the Eastern St. Lawrence Lowlands, Mingan Islands is a group of about 40 islands that nature and time formed some 450 million years ago. The most striking features of the islands are the giant limestone monoliths rising out of the sea, some of which are bare and some of which are covered in sparse vegetation.

After the last ice age when the snow and ice melted, sea level was extremely high. As the level slowly fell, limestone bedrock started to emerge and form islands. Once exposed to the elements, the islands were shaped by slow erosion from the winds, waves, changing sea levels, and the merciless process of seasonal freezing and thawing.

As the soft limestone crumbled away, it left behind the spectacular features we see today. Some of the most striking monoliths can be seen at île Niapiskau and Île St-Charles.

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