Ghost Ranch
© Ghost Ranch

Review & FAQ:

The first thing you must wonder about Ghost Ranch is the origin of its name. As it turns out, in order to keep people from digging into their stolen stuff, cattle thieves spread the rumors of evil spirits haunting the land. Thus, it became known as Ghost Ranch. It is a beautiful, vast, natural place, formed by miles of dessert, cliffs, mesas, vistas, cottonwood trees, and mountains.

Its landscape, made famous by Georgia O’Keeffe, englobes 21,000 acres of rock walls, and people come from all over the world for spiritual development, writing, painting, hiking, horseback riding, completing fossil or archeological research, visiting the museums, or just resting and enjoying the views.

Ghost Ranch 280 Private Drive 1708, Abiquiu, NM 87510, Phone: 877-804-4678

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐