Des Moines Farmers’ Market
© Downtown Farmers Market

Review & FAQ:

The Des Moines Farmers’ Market is an exciting community market featuring more than 130 vendors. Farmers from the area sell a variety of locally raised meat, including beef, pork, turkey, and duck. Visitors can also stock up on fresh eggs and in-season produce.

In addition to fresh foods, vendors also sell many fresh homemade products such as honey, salsa, cheese, and baked goods. Handmade decorations, apparel, and homewares are also a frequent sight at the market. It is recommended that you bring your own bag or purchase a jute shopping bag from the market to tote home your goodies.

700 Locust Street, Des Moines, IA 50309, Phone: 515-286-4911

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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