Order a pizza at Moonlight Pizza & Brewpub | Salida, Colorado
© Moonlight Pizza & Brewpub

Review & FAQ:

The Moonlight Pizza & Brewpub is one of those wonderful locations where it is easy for patrons to kick back, order a beer, and enjoy locally sourced pizza from a socially and environmentally conscious restaurant. Every Monday, Moonlight Pizza donates 10% of their total sales to local programs in Salida, everything from school groups to ski clubs, horse rescues and mentor programs, and more. On top of this, they believe that hand making all of their doughs gives them a competitive, and taste, edge of other pizza joints in Salida. Guests may be slightly confused about the lack of coasters, straws, and ice in sodas, but Moonlight Pizza and Brewpub withholds these items on purpose, all in an effort to reduce their global impact.

Address: 242 F St, Salida, CO 81201, Phone: 719-539-4277

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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