Wupatki and Sunset Crater National Monuments are two lovely national monuments located just north of the city of Flagstaff, preserving a volcanic cinder cone and the remains of a regional indigenous village. Sunset Crater was originally created around 900 years ago after an eruption related to the nearby San Francisco Peaks, showcasing unique cinder and lava flow structures. Visitors can explore the monument via a one-mile loop trail at the crater's base as part of guided or self-guided hiking tours. At Wupatki National Monument, more than 30 structures are showcased that once belonged to the Cohonina, Sinauga, and Kayenta Anasazi Ancient Pueblo indigenous groups. Unique structures include the Tall House, which showcases more than 100 rooms and an expansive historic ballcourt.

6400 U.S. 89, Flagstaff, AZ 86004, Phone: 928-526-0502