Bruges Waffles
© Bruges Waffles

Review & FAQ:

Bruges Waffles serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner from its flagship downtown Salt Lake City location. Two Belgian transplants, Pierre Vandamme and Philippe Wyffels, saw the opportunity to share a beloved family recipe with local Utahans, and so they opened their first waffle shop, a vending cart they pushed around downtown. Eventually, they opened Bruges Waffles, and today, the restaurant serves a variety of waffle-based meals, both savory and sweet, based on the authentic Belgian recipe.

Bruges Waffles also offers authentic Belgian staples such as frites and Flemish stew, along with American classics, like a Belgian fusion hotdog and hamburger. The casual eatery offers counter service, and it features both indoor and outdoor seating options.

336 W 300 S (Broadway), 801-363-4444; 2314 S Highland Drive, 801-486-9999

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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