Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium is home to more than 9,000 animals from hundreds species. The zoo opened in 1905 and the aquarium in 1935; it has become a leader in the conservation and breeding of the endangered red wolf. The Asian Forest Sanctuary houses both Sumatran and Malayan tigers, gibbons, porcupines, and Asian elephants.

Enjoy learning about different animals

Enjoy learning about different animals

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In the Arctic Tundra exhibit, visitors can see polar bears, Arctic foxes, muskox, and reindeer. Harbor seals, walruses, sea otters, and puffins are the main residents of the Rocky Shore exhibit. The aquarium is divided into north and south Pacific sections and has giant octopi, sharks, fish, corals, and eels. It offers the unique opportunity of scuba diving in a shark tank. Daily animal talks and a fascinating children's zoo round out the offerings of this small but excellent animal park.

5400 North Pearl Street, Tacoma, WA 98407, Phone: 253-591-5337

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