Lujan | Day Trips from Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Lujan city is found in the northern part of the province of Buenos Aires and is a historic town named after Pedro Lujan, a conquistador who died on the battlefield there in 1536. Lujan became a pilgrimage site in 1630 when a statue of Virgin Mary became immovable during transit. A chapel was constructed on-site, and today a neo-Gothic basilica houses the original structure. Lujan officially became a city in 1755 and welcomes more than six million pilgrimage visitors and thousands of secular tourists as well.

In addition to the basilica, Lujan visitors can enjoy many grill restaurants and the Enrique Udaondo Museum Complex, where visitors can see the house of Viceroy, the first steam engine in Argentina, the first hydroplane to cross the Atlantic from Europe to Argentina, and antique vehicles along with military memorabilia.

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