Hickory Run State Park, Poconos | Poconos Parks
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Hickory Run State Park spans nearly 16,000 acres throughout Pennsylvania's Carbon County, accessible via Interstates 80 and 476. The park, which has been named as one of Pennsylvania's must-see state parks, is best known for its sizeable boulder field in its northeast corner, which covers more than 720,000 square feet and is the largest field of its kind within the Appalachian region, assumed to have been formed from glacial processes. It is accessible via the 3.5-mile Boulder Field Trail, which showcases gray-red sandstone boulders from the Catskill Formation. Outdoor recreational activities include swimming during the summer months on beaches along Sand Spring Lake and hunting within permit areas in the park and surrounding state game lands. During the winter months, ice skating is popular when Sand Spring Lake freezes over.

3613 PA-534, White Haven, PA 18661, Phone: 570-443-0400

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