The Roasterie Factory's Public Cupping offers a unique opportunity for visitors to taste a variety of gourmet coffees for free at one of the nation's most-renowned coffee roasters. The Roasterie, which was opened to the public in 1993 by Danny O'Neill, brews many varieties of fair trade, organic, and single-origin green coffees, roasted using convection-air roasting methods for optimum smooth taste. Cuppings take place each Thursday at the company's main factory, held from 5:00pm to 6:00pm, teaching participants key tasting skills for emphasizing flavor, aroma, and mouth feel of coffees. Though cuppings are free, visitors must RSVP in advance in order to secure cupping slots.

1204 W 27th Street , Kansas City, MO 64108, Phone: 816-931-4000