Have lunch at Henry's Hamburgers
© Henry's Hamburgers

Review & FAQ:

In the 1960s, Henry's Hamburgers was a bigger franchise than McDonalds. In 1959, the outlet in Benton Harbor was opened. It outlasted the franchisor and has changed hands and venues a few times but still maintains the food and service that made it successful. Patrons can choose carry-out or to use the drive through. A top seller is the Brown Bag special - a double cheesburger, fries and a Pepsi, which accounts for 50% of sales. Quirky specials such as the 99c Munchie of the Month and Nuggets 'two for the price of one' keep customers interested. The community board on their web sites invites customers to recall their memories of the franchise.

1832 M 139, Benton Harbor, MI 49022, Phone: 269-926-6757

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐