Birger Sandzen Memorial Gallery | Lindsborg, Kansas
© Birger Sandzen Memorial Gallery

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The works of Birger Sandzen are the main focal point of the Birger Sandzen Memorial Gallery’s collection of art. Sandzen was raised in Vastergotland, Sweden and studied art in Paris and Stockholm before moving to Kansas in 1894 at 23 years of age. The gallery is home to the world’s most extensive and largest collection of the artist’s watercolors, drawings, prints, and paintings. Other artists featured in the art collections at the Lindsborg art gallery include John Stuart Curry, Raymond Jonson, Lester Raymer, John Bashor, B.J.O. Nordfelt, Marsden Hartley, Carl Milles, Doel Reed, and Henry Varnum Poor.

401 N 1st St, Lindsborg, KS 67456, Phone: 785-227-2220

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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