Deer Isle and Stonington | Day Trips in Maine
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John Steinbeck’s book, Travels with Charley, put Deer Isle on the map and turned it into a tremendous touristy town since the 1960s. The 1,000-foot Eggemoggin Reach suspense bridge, constructed in 1939 is still the way visitors reach the island by car today.

The island is known for their beautiful beaches in the Penobscot Bay and historic farmsteads, many of which remain operational today.

There are also many places on Deer Isle that are perfect for hiking and wildlife viewing including Barred Island Preserve which is only accessible by car or walking during low tide, Crockett Cove Woods in Stonington, and the Edgar M. Tennis Preserve.

The village of Deer Isle has many excellent locally-owned restaurants that serve freshly caught seafood, wine bars, and coffee houses.

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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