Tintagel Castle | Cornwall, UK
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Tintagel Castle is a lovely Medieval-era fortification located atop the peninsula of Tintagel Island, adjacent to the lovely village of Tintagel in North Cornwall. The castle was originally constructed in the 13th century by Richard, First Earl of Cornwall, and was recovered as part of archaeological investigations starting in the 19th century. The castle's remains have become a major tourist attraction due to their association with the legend of King Arthur, which dates back to a 12th-century account by Geoffrey of Monmouth within the fictionalized British history account Historia Regum Britanniae. Today, it is overseen by Charles, Prince of Wales as part of the Duchy of Cornwall land holdings and is managed by the English Heritage.

Castle Rd, Tintagel PL34 0HE, UK, Phone: +44-37-03-33-11-81

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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