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Review & FAQ:
What is Taos Pueblo?
- When visiting Taos Pueblo, you are not visiting a museum, but people’s homes. Living and thriving for more than 1,000 years, Taos Pueblo is the only Native American living community designated as both a National Historic Landmark and a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
When were the buildings of Taos Pueblo constructed?
- Most of the existing buildings were probably built sometime between 1000 and 1450 A.D.. When the Spanish arrived in the Taos Valley in 1540, they believed they had discovered the City of Gold.
What are Hlaukwima and Hlauuma?
- Hlaukwima (South House) and Hlauuma (North House) are believed to be of the same age and are key parts of the Pueblo.
How is Taos Pueblo structured?
- The Pueblo consists of five stories of individual homes that are built side-by-side and on top of each other with common walls. Several feet thick, the walls were made of earth mixed with water and straw to maintain a cool interior.
Do people still live in Taos Pueblo?
- About 150 Taos Indians live in the Pueblo today permanently.
How do Pueblo residents balance tradition and modern life?
- Since tradition demands no electricity and no running water in the Pueblo, most families come to the old Pueblo for ceremonies and live in modern homes on the Pueblo land or elsewhere.
Taos Pueblo, 120 Veterans Hwy, Taos, New Mexico 87571, Phone: 575-758-1028
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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