The Last Blockbuster | Bend, Oregon
© The Last Blockbuster

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The Last Blockbuster in Bend, Oregon boasts the claim to fame as the last Blockbuster Video store in the world. Blockbuster Video provides video game and movie rentals and this once giant video rental corporation filed for bankruptcy in 2010. Stores were auctioned off by April of 2011 and new operators slowly started to close corporate-owned Blockbuster stores. By March of 2019, only the Blockbuster in Bend, Oregon remained. Owners Debbie and Ken Tisher owned and operated their own video stores in Bend for around ten years before making the decision in 2000 to become a Blockbuster Franchise.

211 NE Revere Ave, Bend, OR 97701, 541-385-9111

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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